The Revamped Recuperacao System in TBS

Starting this year, TBS has adopted a new way to tackle the recuperacao in school which has been received with a certain amount of confusion.
Prior to 2024, recuperacao worked as a 2 step program; per semester and yearly. If you score below a 5 in a classes’ bimester grade you would have to go through the program in order to catch up. At the end of the year, if you do not score a sum of 20 in all of your semester grades, you do not pass that subject and therefore also have to go through the program. Before going through bimestral recuperation, teachers can warn you of a possible failure and give you advice on how to make up for it, but it is up to the student.
In the present, the recuperation system has been reinvented and separated into the 3 stages; R1, R2, R3. R1 is the initial stage: If a teacher believes that a student is in any way behind in class by not handing in assignments or struggling in tests they can put you in R1, which are obligatory lunch sessions with teachers where they can help you catch up. R2 works like a semester recuperation, where if you score a final grade below the threshold(6), you have to attend extra lessons. Finally R3 is also identical to yearly recuperation, but now the sum is 24 and not 20.
While the new recuperation is clearly more rigorous than previous systems, it is believed that the extra sessions and bigger grade threshold will be of benefit to students, as they will push them to greater heights.